Thank you for your interest in my books. Here is my bio at 100 BOOKS (Christmas 2024: 140!) !!

Celebrating a Storyteller's 100th book!

      George W. Tucker, a resident of west central Florida, is a man of vast imagination and has reached a milestone in writing 100 books in nearly thirty years online, and another eight years before that! He writes under the pseudonym G. Weldon Tucker, for, as he says, "There are millions of George Tuckers, and only one G. Weldon Tucker." He discounts the title 'author' and prefers 'storyteller.' He says, "I thank God every day for a having a patient, careful proof reader!" He adds, "A story can occur on land, under water, in a tin can in space, but every story must be about the give and take of people. Their hopes, dreams, romances, struggles and so on."
      His books are enjoyable, sprinkled with humor, exciting, and suspenseful covering many genres: Action/Adventure, Children's Books, Discovery and Adventure, Police/Investigations/PI, Science Fiction, Sorcery and Magic, Westerns Occult, Westerns Standard, as well as Other World Shifters/Vampires. All manage to mix romance and adventure to reach men and women alike. He has written and published three children's novels.
      Tucker grew up in Northern California, where he played in icy mountains to dry desert and became familiar with everything in between, as California provides. Then Maine, where he says his creativity almost 'froze off'. Now, in Florida for better than thirty-five years, he has thawed out and been a very productive storyteller. His six kids are sprinkled from Florida to Maine, Washington to California, and places in between in the next generations.
      He draws from a varied background to fill his books with reasonably factual representations of how and where the stories take place. He was first a rancher raising and training horses (cowboys/horses) while in school, then an Electrical Engineer (desert/technical) for three years. Bored, he was a California Highway Patrol Officer for eleven more (Police/courts/ law). Out on a hearing injury, he went back to school for an MS in Psychology, focused on interpersonal communication (psych influencers). He was invited to Positive Living seminars as a seminar speaker and motivator, until the industry faded in the late seventies.
      The last forty-five years, he has been a nationwide traveling management consultant. In his business, he has visited forty-one of the fifty-two states, the Islands and Canada enough times to draw wonderful, realistic venues for stories.
      Even as he approaches 80, he is fast talking, fast moving, and he likes being very busy. He still programs three large websites for his communication survey company, and provides guidance to managers who welcome it to hire, train and manage properly. But his main interest is telling stories. From the big stages to the in-house programs, to, nearly forty years, the written word.
      Yes busy, and his books deliver in the same way; exciting to read and they can easily draw the reader into the story. Tucker says, "Readers will learn about the topography, then and now, the people, the difficulties that thwart us all, and how they overcome them to reach their goals." Men and women will enjoy his books, as the strong characters, male or female, offer something for everyone. Novels are in e-books and paperback at Amazon. His website display can be reached at
      After helping a group of residents local community learn the ins and outs of wrting anything at all, then on to write "Family Stories and Delicious Recipes", a few residents have gone on to write their own books- over 30 books and counting! The call is appreciated: Thank you, George!